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Our little slice of beautiful South Gippsland bluegum country

In 2012 we purchased 4 Wiltipoll ewes and a ram from Timemm in Cranbourne South...

After a mad scramble to get our fencing upgraded to handle sheep, we introduced our flock to their new home in March. We had 9 lambs that year with 100% survival.

We vaccinate all stock with Gudair vaccine for ovine johnes disease as well as 7 in 1 (glanery)

We were members of an earlier (now defunct)aust wiltipoll association, but now belong to the WSBA (Wiltipoll Sheep Breeders Association)  and our stud is registered with the ASSBA (Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association)


We are Ovine Brucellosis accredited, (no. 1853)


See links page to view their websites

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Future Plans

Apart from the dream of renovating the farmhouse to create a farmstay style B&B one day, we are adding other interests slowly in a hobby farm fashion... bee hives, a collection of significant oak varieties have been planted out, a small grove of olives, the beginning of a truffle oak planting.

© 2015 by Elmores Park Wiltipolls

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